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Not only does VEO talk about sustainability – the company walks the walk too. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues are incorporated in the daily work, creating a workplace that is good for both the people and the planet. In this article, we will hear from some of VEO’s employees on what it is like to work at a company that is committed to sustainability.  


Meaningful work


Project Manager Jakob Björkqvist at VEO in Fornebu, Norway, feels motivated knowing that the projects he works in support the green transition.  


“A concrete example is an ongoing railway electrification project in Eidum, outside of Trondheim. We are delivering the substation needed for the railway to run on electricity instead of fossil fuels. It feels great knowing that the projects we’re involved in lead to significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions”. 


Ville Yli-Mäenpää, an assembler and Health & Safety representative at VEO’s factory in Vaasa, Finland, appreciates that VEO not only integrates their clients’ clean energy projects but also prioritises sustainability in their own operations. 


“I feel we all have an obligation to make sustainable choices in our everyday life if we want to maintain a clean environment and fresh air. VEO’s recycling and waste management targets are ambitious and give us all a possibility to contribute. By recycling and sorting waste, we also get cleaner and safer working conditions.” 


Great atmosphere  


Magnus Olofsson, Engineering Manager at VEO in Västerås, Sweden, praises the company’s work culture.  


“We have a fantastic work community at VEO where everyone contributes with their skills and personalities, and we have a lot of fun. The relaxed atmosphere creates a safe space for expressing opinions, even when it involves constructive feedback. We are also good at lifting each other with kudos, which in the long run also lifts the business. We all perform better when we feel we are backed up by those around us – and appreciated.” 


Career development


Krista Hovimeri, System Engineer in Vaasa, Finland, started her career at VEO as a switchgear assembler. She enjoyed the role for over a decade but eventually wanted to expand her knowledge. She applied for, and was granted, a study leave to concentrate on her engineering studies. After graduating, she returned to VEO and was promoted to a system engineer. 


“It’s great to work at a company that encourages its employees to develop – and that I can keep developing my career within VEO. At the moment, I want to strengthen my knowledge in system engineering. However, there are always new interesting challenges at VEO, for example working as a project manager or trying something totally different, like sales or purchasing”, says Hovimeri. 


Safety first 


VEO is committed to the safety of its employees and regularly provides training in this area. Kari Hiisvirta, Head of Sales Support at VEO in Vaasa, highlights the importance of well-defined safety measures and periodic training to ensure that employees execute them properly in their daily work.  


“Everyone should have the right to go home from work in good health, and each of us is responsible for our own and our colleagues’ safety in our daily tasks. Trainings provide the necessary guidance and ensure the latest information is available,” he explains. 


Shaun Marriott, Engineering Director at ICE, VEO’s branch in the UK, emphasises the value of good communication. With significant experience of both design work and site work, ICE can effectively communicate with site teams to ensure a safe working environment. 


“We recognise dangers and plan for potential issues by having daily conversations with site teams about working practices and activities,” he says. “We keep up with the legislation and collate every near miss in our own operations and use them to continuously improve our way of working, and thus also the safety”. 


Hybrid work model


VEO not only provides hybrid solutions to its clients, but also to its employees. Tero Artikainen, System Engineer at VEO in Seinäjoki, Finland, appreciates the flexibility that the hybrid work model provides.  


“The hybrid work model offers the best of both worlds, allowing me to balance in-office and remote workdays according to my schedule. It is a testament to the trust VEO places in its employees. I like working at the office, as it brings a nice routine to my day and I enjoy having lunch with my colleagues, but sometimes remote work is more convenient”. 


Bike benefit promotes sustainable commuting


VEO has just introduced a bike benefit in Finland, with plans to extend it to other countries. Jukka Bergström, Head of ICT and located in Vaasa, appreciates the benefit which enables sustainable commuting at reasonable monthly costs. 


“The benefit made me finally get the electric bike I had been thinking about for quite some time. I use the bike to commute to work 80% of the time and as an option to get around the city or explore the trails in the nearby woods. The bike benefit shows that VEO cares about its employees and their well-being, and it fits very well into the company’s sustainability approach.”